Let’s talk protein shakes!

Let’s talk about protein, and in particular, the benefits of adding a ready-made protein shake to your diet post workout! For those of you Genie fans that are avid gym goers, the benefits of adding some protein to your diet should not go forgotten.

When we workout, whether it be a run on the treadmill or a session on the weights, we create small ‘tears’ in our muscles. This is inevitable when we engage our muscles and should not be regarded as a negative. In fact, it is post these small tears that we begin to see changes in our muscle build up – more toned, stronger, better endurance! With the right diet, we can aid in the repair of these minor tears and help the muscles to return to their optimal state, albeit stronger and more defined! Immediatly post a workout is the prime time your body is in need of a hit of protein.  Your body will begin to heal the muscle right after a workout is done so taking in protein at that time will give your body the fuel it needs to heal and grow.

Enter the mighty protein shake. The best time to get that hit of protein into you is post exercise, when your muscles are craving a little nourishment to help them on their healing journey. Because solid food takes more time to digest and breakdown the option of a liquid protein shake is a viable one, taking an average of 30 minutes to reach the muscle post ingestion.

At Genie Juicery, we have 2 varieties of pre-made protein shakes available online and in store! We are all about making your life easier and by grabbing a shake from us, you take the hassle out of pre-arranging your shake at home! Our protein shakes are dairy free, sugar free and contain a raw, brown rice protein. Brown rice provides plenty of protein and fiber while being gentle on the digestive system and kind to those with allergies. This whole-grain superfood is raw, sprouted, and ready to take your workouts to new levels with all the amino acids a growing muscle needs.

And of course they are delicious! Made with our home-made nut milk and sweetened naturally with dates and banana. A nice calorie hit post your gym session! Pop in store to try today!