Food and stress have often been linked. It’s a widely researched fact that someone with a healthy and well balanced diet is likely to be far less stressed that someone with a poor diet.

Wholesome, healthy, nutritious food – foods that we promote on a daily basis here at Genie Juicery – along with exercise, are known to be the simplest forms for relieving stress. Not only cost effective, but readily available and with no side effects! So pack away those pills, ditch the ciggys and take a closer look at your diet as it seems the answer to your tension could be there.

Ok so it seems a little obvious at this point which foods we need to be avoiding. As per our philosophy, it seems that the processed, sugar laden foods which are oh-so accessible in this city, are out! And the wholesome, real foods are in. In times of stress you are probably more likely to reach for the cheeseburger, but hold strong. The processed meat and cheese, the sugary bun and preservative full sauces are only going to ignite that stress receptor – feed it if you will. Causing you to feel more stressed, adding to your anxiety and getting you on the fast spiral downwards. But lets not focus on this. Lets look to the good stuff. Fresh fruit and vegetables provide an array of vitamins and minerals that are great for reducing stress. Lets take a closer look…

Green Leafy vegetables – These abundant greens, such as spinach, contain folate, which produces dopamine, a pleasure inducing brain chemical, helping you to keep calm and carry on. Depression symptoms are lowered when folate is consumed on a regular basis and the general feeling of calm and happiness is abundant. We use spinach in a majority of our drinks so if you haven’t turned green maybe its time you hopped on that wagon.

Yoghurt – Lots of research correlates to stress and your gut. When we get stressed it causes an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal system, which can block communication flow between the gut and the brain. Basically if the gut aint happy the head aint happy. If you are familiar with our probiotic rich yoghurt, you’ll know that it contains the good bacteria, to sweep out the bad bacteria, creating an environment down there, that is content and cheerful. Plus its loaded with protein and calcium – you cant go wrong there!

Berries – These guys often get a mention and their high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients are getting another shout out. The more antioxidants you eat, the better defence your body has when it comes to dealing with the stress and fighting stress related free radicals. Nom nom nom!

Dark Chocolate – Chocoholics rejoice. Dark chocolate, at least 70% cocoa, has the power to regulate stress levels. It can trigger the walls of your blood cells to relax, lowering blood pressure and improving circulation. It also gives you a sense of euphoria. But make sure its the good stuff. We stock a local brand called Raiz The Bar and they are serving up cold pressed, raw, vegan chocolate that is boasting with the benefits. Sign me up for that!

Seeds – flaxseeds are a great source of magnesium which have been linked to regulating our emotions. magnesium helps alleviate depression, fatigue and irritability. Magnesium, a naturally occurring mineral,  can also be found in leafy green, yoghurt, nuts and fish! Its the new age, tablet free, depressant! Find them in our delicious flax snack!

So there you have it. If you are feeling low, and need a mood enhancing booster, pop into Genie. We will sort you out!