Food has and always will be, our go to source for energy. Our bodies rely on food for day to day functioning and ultimately, for survival. As technology has improved, so has our number of food choices. Processed, sugar laden, preservative rich foods have been created for our supposed benefit. However, it has become apparent that these foods are causing more damage that good! Food related illness are on the rise – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer – all with a direct correlation to the food we put in our mouths. At Genie Juicery, we are firm believers in eating real, wholesome foods; foods that are picked from the tree or plucked from the ground. These are the foods that are vitamin and mineral abundant. And it is these vitamins and minerals that contribute to our bodies functioning at optimum levels. This is where we begin to talk about energy! If you are consuming over processed, sugar filled foods, you are starving your body of the very vitamins and minerals that are responsible for cell growth, immunity, transportation of oxygen around the body and disease fighting mechanisms. Instead, you will feel run down, sick and constantly lethargic. The energy you have, is used to fight the common cold, ward off the free radicals – meaning you are left tired and sluggish, with puffy eyes, blemish plagued skin and a general feeling of blah. But this does not need to be the case. Insert some vitamin rich fruits and vegetables and you will immediately see a difference – most importantly in your energy levels. If consumed on a regular basis, fruits and vegetables will help keep infections to a minimum, your allergies will not flare up, your skin will be impeccable and your digestive system will be happy! Meaning your body can conserve its energy reserves! Lethargy no longer!

Here are some vegetables and fruits we use in our drinks which naturally can boost that energy bank:


Spinach is loaded with iron. Iron is an important supplement that everybody requires for general functioning. Low iron, anaemia, is vey common, especially in women (iron is found in blood, if menstruating we lose it through this source). Iron assists in the transport of oxygen around our body. If you feel lethargic or sleepy all the time, you may be low in iron!


Full of fibre, vitamin C and complex carbohydrates to give you a natural sugar high! An apple will also help stabilise your blood sugar levels so you don’t get those peaks and troughs a chocolate bar would give you.


Carrots are loaded with Vitamin A. Vitamin A supports cell growth and contributes to immune function.

A general lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet means your body has to work harder to do simple tasks. This then leads to fatigue, sickness and other health problems.


Hi level of vitamins and minerals which are required for general functioning. Beets are low in calories but high in natural sugar – released slowly unlike chocolate!

Beetroot also contains a mineral called Boron. Boron has been linked to the human sex hormones – it’s a natural aphrodisiac!