Spirulina: why you should add it in your diet from now on!

Spirulina is actually not a new invention but ancient superfood.


Spirulina, a blue-green algae, is believed to be one of the primitive life forms on Earth. Scientists believe that spirulina was responsible for producing much of the oxygen on the planet that allowed the earliest organisms to develop.

For centuries, ancients considered Spirulina as a part of their diet with its amazing health benefits. Spirulina grows naturally and profusely in the pure salt water lakes around Lake Chad in Africa and in central Mexico. The natives took the geological advantages and used to consume Spirulina from thousands years ago and up until today.

Interestingly, not only human but the animals that live around Eastern Africa’s Rift Valley, especially the flamingos, include spirulina in their daily diet. Witnessing how spirulina kept the flamingos there alive for longer than their regular lifespan fascinated a French scientist, Pierre Dangeared, to start doing research on spirulina. It evokes more and more scientists to do so as well from 1940.

In 1974, the United Nations declared spirulina as a superfood, as well as the FDA described it as the best supplement. In 1983, spirulina won the “best natural food” award at West Germany’s International Food Expo.


Health benefits of spirulina and why you should include it in your diet.

After knowing this interesting story how spirulina become a famous superfood, you are probably probably more interested in what nutrients spirulina contains and what health benefits it can bring about.

  1. Spirulina, a source of complete protein

The protein content of Spirulina (50-70% of the dry weight) is high and exceeds that of meat, dried milk, eggs, soybeans or grains. What makes it more awesome is that it contains all the essential amino acids, thus being the natural and plant source of complete protein.

To build up muscle, simply exercising is not enough, replenish is the key. With the fact that doing workout would break down the protein in the muscle and provide energy and power. It is diet, consuming food and protein and carbohydrates which help restore the structural protein to form muscle. Therefore, spirulina is an ideal plant-based source of complete protein in your post-workout drinks.


  1. Spirulina, a qualitative source of essential fatty acids

Spirulina contains not only essential fatty acids (omega  6), it also contains the rare polyunsaturated fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) with putative medicinal properties. It is considered as one of the best known source of GLA after human milk and some little used vegetable oils such as evening primrose, borage and hemp oil. Other major fatty acids present are the unsaturated oleic and linoleic acids, saturated palmitic acid. In a nutshell, the fatty acids spirulina contains are of high quality and are useful in different human body functions.


  1. Spirulina – micronutrients rich!

Spirulina is claimed to be the richest whole-food source of provitamin A (beta-carotene). With 20g of Spirulina also fulfilling the significant body requirement of vitamin B1 (Thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B3 (niacin) and B9 (folic acid). Though the mineral content varies depending on the culture medium, all contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

There are various potential health effects include immunomodulation, antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral and antibacterial activities, as well as positive effects against malnutrition, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, obesity, inflammatory allergic reactions, heavy metal/ chemical-induced toxicity, radiation damage and anemias. The key and the strong possible benefits will be mentioned in the next blog post. Stay tuned!





Essenatura. Spirulina. Retrieved from http://www.essenatura.com/esse-spirulina/

Nan Pao. Spirulina. Nutrients of spirulina. Retrieved from http://www.spirulina.com.tw/index.php?temp=knowledge&lang=en

Belay, A., Ota, Y., Miyakawa, K. & Shimamatsu H. Current knowledge on potential health benifits of Spirulina. J Appl Phycol (1993) 5: 235. https://doi-org.eproxy.lib.hku.hk/10.1007/BF00004024

Salomon, S. (2013). Uncovering Health Benefits for Spirulina and Salba. Environmental Nutrition, 36(11), 2.

Sotiroudis Theodore G, & Sotiroudis Georgios T. (2013). Health aspects of Spirulina (Arthrospira) microalga food supplement. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 78(3), 395-405.



Collagen boosting juice

“Oh my god!!!! I got a wrinkle!” A young mum yelled at her reflection in the mirror. Her 6 year-old son looked confused.

“It’s so hard to bring you up and that’s why I look old now!” she continued before he could ask any questions.

If this conversation common at your home?

As a famous saying goes in Hong Kong, maintaining the appearance is a lifelong career for every woman. Nowadays, looking young is not only essential for female but everyone around the world since for many, it means looking good.

When talking about skin health, you may think of collagen. What is collagen and how it works?


What is collagen

Collagen is synthesized from procollagen with fibroblasts and other cells. There are more than 16 different types of collagen in the human body while there are only 3 major types.

Type 1 is the most abundant one and it acts like glue to hold tissue together, to form bones and to give skin the elasticity.

Type 2 collagen is found in connective tissues with its major function to build cartilage and prevent age-associated joint pain.

Type 3 collagen includes a major component of the extracellular matrix of our organs and skin. Apart from providing elasticity to the skin with Type I collagen, it forms blood vessels and tissues within the heart.


The benefits of collagen

In conjunction with the functions of collagen, it provides different health benefits and only a few major ones are mentioned here.

1. Skin and hair health

Looser skin, less elastic skin and more wrinkles are some of the signs of aging. You may have noticed the physical difference in skin from your own or others’ experience like your grandparents. It is a natural process because of the decrease in collagen production with age.
Knowing that lack of collagen is the major culprit of aging, increasing the intake of collagen may give us hope.

2. Joint health

Because of the loss of collagen in cartilage, the gel-like substances between bones, there is less protection to the joints and less lubricating effect for movement facilitation.


Collagen juice recipes

Nutrients like vitamin C, manganese, copper, anthocyanidins facilitate collagen absorption or synthesis, blueberries and blackberries are packed with these..

Beetroot contains zinc and copper which are vital for a healthy skin. On top of that beetroot helps cleanse and restore the liver, which is considered a primary detoxifying organ. Skin and liver health are closely connected.

Celery and cucumber are very hydrating (contain 96% water). Hydration is vital for healthy soft supple skin.

Ginger and turmeric have an amazing effect on skin as its anti-inflammatory properties combat many manifestations of inflamed skin (acne, eczema, rash)

Start the process: drink your vegetables and get back your youthful glowing skin!


Bloody collagen juice (red)

Serving: 2

1 small Beetroot

1 large apple

8 strawberries (medium)/ 25 blueberries/ 20 blackberries



Golden collagen juice (yellow)

Serving: 2

1 medium mango

1/2 inch peeled, fresh ginger root

1 tpc of turmeric powder

1/2 tpc. cinnamon



Green collagen juice (green)

Serving: 2

1 medium green apple

1/2 bunch of celery

2-3 lemons or limes, peeled and chopped

2 medium-sized cucumbers, roughly chopped





Do you constantly feel tired, sluggish or lethargic? Do you find it hard to concentrate, have digestive issues or poor skin? If there is a yes somewhere, Genie Juicery has got you covered!

A lot of the time, we are unaware of how our diet can affect our bodily health and our mental states. Most people would opt to buckle down their food intake in order to achieve their desired body shape or health condition. However such dieting can easily lead to negative outcomes such as nutrient deficiency, energy drop and poor sleeping quality, et cetera. In this case a juice cleanse might be all that you need!

Juice cleansing or fasting is a great way to restore and rejuvenate your body. Without solid food intake, it allows your organs, like stomach and liver, to rest and let the body concentrate on eliminating toxins and heal damaged tissues. At the same time, in a juice cleanse, nutrients can be fully absorbed without any solid food in the way and improve digestion. Nonetheless, juice fasting also helps with weight loss and rehydration by consuming a sufficient amount of fluids.

In Genie Juicery, we use 100% raw and natural ingredients for all cold-pressed juices. The bottles are all unpasteurized, keeping the optimal nutritional value of the juices. There is also NO preservatives, added sugar, artificial flavours or water in any juices!

Genie has 3 signature cleanses that suit all from first-timers to pro juice cleansers. We also cater to your personal needs with a selection of specialty cleanses or you can always customise your cleanse by choosing juices to your likings.

Take your own time and pace in changing up to a healthier diet, why not start with a 1-day juice cleanse and work your way up? Feel free to contact Genie for more information.

Together, we CLEANSE, we REVIVE, we SURVIVE.


Contrary to popular belief a raw food diet is not just another “fad diet” that celebrities go on to lose weight. In fact, a raw food diet is a lifestyle that promotes eating fresh, whole, unrefined plant- based foods. Such as Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds that are consumed without cooking or steaming so you can reap all the nutrients and living enzymes without worrying about harmful additives.  

Our bodies are naturally more suited to obtain nutrients and digest food on a raw plant-based diet. While it may sound counter intuitive, most cooked foods are harder for our body to digest compared to raw foods. Plus when you cook nutrient dense foods the heat destroys key enzymes, certain antioxidants and vitamins.

Raw plant-based foods also reduce acidity, by alkalizing the body, this lowers the chances of fermentation happening in the gut leading to inflammatory reactions. While pre-fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi or natto themselves are good for you, having food fermenting in your gut causes inflammation, gas and toxic waste to accumulate. When food ferments in the gut, proteins and fats putrefy and go rancid damaging the lining of the gut which can lead to intestinal issues.

At a loss of where to start? Whether you set your mind to going fully raw or make it a point to incorporate more raw plant-based foods in your diet, don’t forget to check out our selection of fresh raw foods!


It’s inevitable that we all crave for cool refreshments during the scorching Hong Kong summer. But then the nagging thought of getting a summer body prevents most of us to reach for icy treats. FEAR NOT! Genie Juicery has your back! Beat the heat with our cold plant-based treats– a healthy alternative that is fresh, dairy-free and vegan.

Our Nice Cream Bars are available in all stores, and Smoothie Bowls in selected locations.

Made from 100% natural premium ingredients. With NO preservatives, NO artificial flavouring, and NO added sugar.


*Available in all stores*

MUDSLIDE serving size: 131 calories  |  HK$38

ingredients: avocado, raw cacao, vanilla*, banana, coconut milk*, medjool dates*, raw maple*

PINK LADY serving size: 71 calories  |  HK$38

ingredients: strawberries, raspberries, vanilla*, banana, coconut milk*, medjool dates*, raw maple

KOKOMO serving size: 101 calories  | HK$38

ingredients: pineapple, banana, coconut milk*, medjool dates*, raw maple*


*Available exclusively at SAI YING PUN*

Our bowls come in banana and coconut base, for $80 you get to enjoy a fresh bowl with 4 toppings from our wide selection of SUPERFOODS, Frozen Berries and Seasonal Fresh Fruit.

BERRY NICE serving size: 90 calories  |  HK$80

ingredients: banana, apple juice, strawberries, acai*, mint

GREEN SCREAM serving size: 320 calories  |  HK$80

ingredients: banana, spinach, almond milk*, walnuts*, spirulina*, raw maple*

CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST serving size: 165 calories  | HK$80

ingredients: banana, raw cacao*, almond milk*, coconut cream*, raw maple*, lucuma*

Superfood toppings available:

frozen blueberries*, frozen raspberries*, frozen strawberries*, cacao nibs*, banana chips*, chia seeds*, desiccated coconut*, coconut chips*,

goji berries*, hemp seeds*, gluten free granola*, walnuts*, almond slivers*

seasonal fresh fruit

*indicates organic ingredients


Healthy eating can be as simple as 1, 2, 3. Here at Genie Juicery we can offer you a one-stop shop for a quick and nutritious meal! With 4 different flavours, our fresh and raw vegan salads are not only dairy, gluten, and artificial sugar free but also jam packed with minerals and nutrients that help energize and invigorate your body. Available for individual sale and as a meal set!

Choose our meal set, save up to 30 HKD and for 110 HKD you can pick from 4 of our salad options and any juice of your choice below 70 HKD for a fresh, raw vegan lunch. So what are you waiting for come drop by either of our locations in IFC or Sai Ying Pun and get your greens on!

Flavours available:

Asian Invasion serving size: 340g  | 225 calories | 70 HKD

ingredients: kale*, purple cabbage, *nori, brown rice, pumpkin seeds*, sesame seeds*, gluten free pretzels* dressing: extra virgin olive oil, raw maple, sesame oil, coconut aminos, almond butter, pink himalayan salt

Over The Rainbow serving size: 340g  |  295 calories | 60 HKD

ingredients: kale*, broccoli, carrot, purple cabbage, walnuts*, chia*, cranberries  dressing: extra virgin olive oil, raw maple, lemon, mustard, pink himalayan salt, peppe

Kale and Mushroom serving size: 320g  | 310 calories | 60 HKD

ingredients: kale, quinoa, mushrooms, garlic, onions, maple coconut aminos, parsley and nutritional yeast dressing: salt, pepper, olive oil

Rainbow Pad Thai serving size: 300g | calories 434|  70 HKD

ingredients: zucchini, carrot, capsicum, red cabbage, hemp seeds, sesame seeds. garlic, lime, tamari, maple, sesame oil, ginger

*indicates organic ingredients



BEAT THE HEAT!! Grab yourself a freshly made Smoothie Bowl, available in both banana and coconut base, topped with fresh fruits and superfoods. Light, refreshing and healthy! Visit our Sai Ying Pun store and go on a trip to flavour town!
Genie Juicery is one of Hong Kong’s favourite health stop specializing in serving delicious Smoothie Bowls, Superfood Smoothies, Cold Pressed Juices, Cold Brew Coffee, Raw Vegan Salads and Treats. We cater for all needs including vegetarian, paleo, vegan, dairy free and gluten free – just ask our friendly staff.

Located in Third Street, Sai Ying Pun, we specialise in serving and delivering the best acai bowls in town!  We use only the freshest, top quality ingredients including seasonal fresh fruits, together with the latest superfoods including acai, raw cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia, spirulina and many more!


We serve our bowls with style, 3 unique smoothie flavours are available in store;

  • Banana/Coconut, Walnuts, Spirulina, Spinach, Almond milk
  • BERRY NICE $80
  • Banana/Coconut, Strawberries, Acai, Cold-pressed apple juice
  • Banana/Coconut, Raw cacao powder, Lucuma, Coconut cream powder, Almond milk.
  • Available in both Banana and Coconut base
  • 4 Toppings included ( Seasonal Fresh Fruits, Superfoods, frozen berries, etc.)


You will get a special combination of 2 Raw Vegan Salads, 1 Raw Food, 1 Superfood Smoothie and a Cold-pressed Juice for a Day’s worth with only 1,000 – 1,200 calories per day. Pretty awesome huh? and it doesn’t stop there – We are doing a SPECIAL APRIL PRICE of $300 per day. Order a minimum 2 Days for delivery service. Available both online and retail shops.


Exciting News ya’ll! You can now purchase our Café Collection flavours in all 9 Fitness First branches both in Kowloon and HK side. Cleanse your insides while working those muscles. Get healthy inside and out!