Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 10.42.44 amPants slightly tighter? Skin a little rougher? Energy levels slumping? Silly season is here and our bodies are not loving it. Don’t let the festivities of 2014 get in the way of your overall health goals. Launch into the New Year a happier and healthier you with a little help from Genie Juicery. To celebrate the year that was and kick start you onto your pathway of health for 2015, Genie is offering an exclusive 20% off all online juice cleanses. Use discount code sillyseason online to redeem this exclusive offer.

 Why cleanse?

There are many benefits to embarking on a juice cleanse both physiologically and psychologically! From a mental perspective, cleansing is a great way to kick start you onto a healthier pathway. Juicing eliminates the habit of bad eating, and makes you feel satisfied with less food than usual. This provides a big psychological boost to help get over the hurdle of changing habits. From a physical standpoint, a 3-day juice cleanse will give your digestive system a much needed rest, allowing your stomach, gut and liver to recalibrate and get back to doing the job its meant to do. Another benefit of juice cleansing is that over the course of the cleanse, you consume a phytonutrient-dense rainbow plant-based diet, which allows food to be assimilated quickly through the intestine; consuming less energy, while the toxin-free, nutrient-dense food helps to repair the gut itself.