Contrary to popular belief a raw food diet is not just another “fad diet” that celebrities go on to lose weight. In fact, a raw food diet is a lifestyle that promotes eating fresh, whole, unrefined plant- based foods. Such as Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds that are consumed without cooking or steaming so you can reap all the nutrients and living enzymes without worrying about harmful additives.  

Our bodies are naturally more suited to obtain nutrients and digest food on a raw plant-based diet. While it may sound counter intuitive, most cooked foods are harder for our body to digest compared to raw foods. Plus when you cook nutrient dense foods the heat destroys key enzymes, certain antioxidants and vitamins.

Raw plant-based foods also reduce acidity, by alkalizing the body, this lowers the chances of fermentation happening in the gut leading to inflammatory reactions. While pre-fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi or natto themselves are good for you, having food fermenting in your gut causes inflammation, gas and toxic waste to accumulate. When food ferments in the gut, proteins and fats putrefy and go rancid damaging the lining of the gut which can lead to intestinal issues.

At a loss of where to start? Whether you set your mind to going fully raw or make it a point to incorporate more raw plant-based foods in your diet, don’t forget to check out our selection of fresh raw foods!