
Who dosen’t love a good spring clear out whether it is clearing out your handbag to clearing out your work inbox or a doing a big wardrobe hull. You get so much satisfaction getting rid of old crap, you feel more organized and clear headed tackling the next seasons list of tasks!


Cleansing your body has a similar effect it helps your body to focus, as cleansing gives your digestive system and other detoxifying organs a break. Chewing, eating and digesting food uses a huge amount of energy. This boost of energy to your body’s natural detoxification process lessens the load on the liver, allows for better absorption through the gut wall and heals cells.

Our bodies are amazing and can naturally detox, heal and regenerate cells all by itself. However the environment we live in and the lifestyle we lead today we are exposed to more and more toxins in our air, water and food. Back in the day ‘an apple a day would keep the doctor away’ today it is more like ‘several apples a day should keep the doctors away’! During a juice cleanse you’re maximizing your bodies detoxifying system. A three-day Spring cleanse is a fantastic way to prepare your body for the change of seasons.


Like all things in life there is no such thing as a quick-fix, we recommend looking at doing a cleanse as a way to kick start adding positive changes and habits to your diet daily. Incorporating more raw fruit and vegetable to your diet will result in long-term benefits. There are so many benefits from cleansing with large amounts of fruit and vegetables – bright eyes, clear skin, shinier hair, stronger nails, weight loss, feeling lighter, flat stomach, clear mind, energized and feeling generally better!


Recently we have had understandable concerns about questions on fibre, protein and sugars relating to juices, let us explain!


There are two main categories of dietary fibre, insoluble fibre and soluble fibre. While juicing does remove insoluble fibre the soluble fibre remains, examples would be pectin from the apple skins. It slows the absorption of any natural sugars in the bloodstream and avoids any spikes.


Leafy greens like spinach and kale are good sources of protein. Because it takes a significant amount of green vegetable to make one serving of juice, green juices are a good source of plant protein . Amino acids are the building blocks of protein which can be found in a variety of fruit, vegetables, legumes, seeds and grains. A balanced diet of these can make up the recommended 6.5% protein needed by humans daily.


There have been concerns about the high sugar content in juices. This reputation has come from nasty sweetened and pasteurized juices you see in supermarkets or 711 that last for weeks or months. Our juices are cold pressed, raw, no added sugars, not heat treated and our juices only last 2-3 days. Yes some fruit have a higher natural sugar content than others but they are also provide vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential for a healthy body and mind. The majority of our juices are also mixed with vegetables and contain insoluble fibre so to avoid any sugar spikes in the bloodstream providing more balance.

At Genie we also always include food supplements chia seed and pysllium husks in our online cleanses as they contain added fibre and protein while cleansing!

Please feel free to call into our store any time to ask our staff about arranging your Spring Cleanse this month!