Still buzzing since our Taiwan visit, it has been over a week since the doors opened on our shiny new store in Neihu, Taipei.  All the hard work has paid off and we couldn’t be prouder of the fantastic job the Taiwan Team did. The store is so big and beautiful! Lots of seating room for lounging, catching up or working while enjoying an energizing juice! And the counter space……endless for healthy treats I tell you! Taipei is definitely home of the ‘small street eats’ and we are super excited to be part of the health food scene in the beautiful nature rich country that is Taiwan.

Opening hours are from 8am to 8pm on weekdays and 12pm to 6pm on
weekends and public holidays. Online cleanses and deliveries are available through Geniejuicery.com.tw.

Please tell all your Taipei friends to drop in to meet our Taiwan dream team or even pop over yourself it’s only an hour or so flight from Hong Kong! Taipei defiantly one for the city break bucket list!


If you haven’t tried our popcorn, best get involved asap. Popcorn is a highly underrated snack in our opinion but a great one – with lots of nutritional benefits to boot. We have two varieties in store, a sweet and a savoury, and these are popped exclusively for us by the Hong Kong born and bred team at Sote. Google them. They are doing great things!

But back to the popcorn! Popcorn boasts several health benefits when cooked as our varieties are. Don’t get duped at the cinema. Those varieties laden with butter and salt are not doing you any favours – however our Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Non-GMO whole-grain kernels will see you kicking goals!

Digestion: Popcorn, or specifically corn, is a whole grain! Digestive systems rejoice! Popcorn contains high levels of fibre which as we all know, helps in the downstairs department. And as we constantly say – happy gut = happy body! The high fibre will also help keep your cholesterol levels down. Whole grains contain the type of fibre which can strip off excess cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels and arteries, thereby reducing your overall cholesterol levels, and lowering your chances of dangerous cardiovascular conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

Blood Sugar: The mighty nutrient that is fibre also impacts on your blood sugar levels. When you have significant levels of fibre in your diet, your body can easily regulate the release and management of blood sugar and insulin levels. This will help reduce blood sugar fluctuations – great for those of you suffering from diabetes!

Antioxidants: Antioxidants are those agents that help scavenge and eliminate free radicals, those by-products of cellular metabolism that are associated with a variety of diseases in the body, particularly cancer. Popcorn as a whole grain is loaded with antioxidants, helping to seriously lower the aforementioned risks.

Weight loss: A cup of popped popcorn contains around 30 calories and due to the high level of fibre, you are going to feel fuller for longer! Satisfaction will be at an all time high so binge eating is avoided!

Our popcorn is also popped with virgin coconut oil, and as you regular readers will know, we are crazy for coconuts. Coconut oil is abundant with nutrients that will help see your skin glow, your hair shine, reduce the risk of heart disease and help fight off infections!

 So next time you are in need of healthy, satisfying snack, look no further than our popcorn! Available in store and online.



We have finally jumped ship and opened our doors in buzzing Taiwan! We are beyond excited to to spread the juice love and continue the health education that we pride ourselves on!

Genie Juicery Taiwan’s Neihu Flagship Store is located in Neihu Technology Park.
The Neihu Technology Park, known as the “Silicon Valley of Taiwan”  and it is headquarters to many high tech, telecommunication and media firms.
Fine dining, vegan and healthy restaurants are fast becoming all the rage in this area as the demand for healthy eating options increases due to busy and hectic lifestyles – much like Hong Kong!
Genie Juicery Taiwan will be the first major cold pressed juicery to open in Taiwan, and it will be serving the brands original cold pressed juices, superfood smoothie, nut mylk and cold brew coffee that we have come to love in our city.
The store will operate from 8am to 8pm on weekdays and 12pm to 6pm on weekends & holidays. The Taiwan website will launch on August 17th (Geniejuicery.com.tw), where  cleanses will be available online, deliveries commencing Aug. 28th. Doors to the retail store will open mid September 2015. So if you are in the neighbourhood, our have friends in the area, be sure to let them know!


*As featured on www.TheHealthSeedConcept.com

As co-founder of one of Hong Kong’s leading health brands, I’d like to say I have an exciting transformation story that depicts a rousing and inspiring transition from unhealthy eating into raw food eating, but unfortunately that is just not the case! Growing up in Australia, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle isn’t a thing – it’s a part of our culture. I grew up going to the beach every weekend and eating fruits picked from trees in our backyard. A variety of vegetables were always included on our dinner plates so that break through moment or transition from unhealthy to healthy was no such thing. However I will say that moving to Hong Kong made me realise how good we had it at home. So many options and such great access to different foods. This probably stems from Australia being such a multicultural country – in any given neighbourhood you would have your Indian, Thai and Chinese restaurants as well as your local grocer and butcher. And our supermarkets are second to none. They really are a one-stop shop. No going to 3 different supermarkets to get ingredients for one dinner! Everything is under one roof and the ranges are phenomenal.


That’s was probably the most obvious change I noticed moving to Hong Kong. That and the change to my lifestyle; I ate out a lot more, didn’t prepare my own meals, I drank a lot more alcohol – the typical Hong Kong expat experience! Healthy eating in Hong Kong was limited. Things of course are different here today, with great cafes and restaurants popping up all over the city with wholesome options. However 7 years ago, this was not the case. At the time I was also working in Kowloon where options for healthy lunches were few and far between. It was during this time that I went on a trip to the US that I was introduced to the concept of cold pressed juicing, and so began my journey towards Genie Juicery!


I dove head first into knowing everything I could about the concept. We experimented with not only juice combinations, but also raw food recipes. Even though we grew up eating raw foods, the concept was new to us. We made raw food apart of our original company set up but with the rapid demand for juice and not enough resources to keep up with the demand, we focused our attention on providing the best cold pressed beverages in town. Cara and myself both enrolled in the School of Integrated Nutrition and gained certifications as health coaches. Our lives were consumed in all things green, fresh, raw and delicious. We were determined to become as well versed as we could on the subject. We had a drive to educate Hong Kong and try to build a need for more readily available, wholesome products.


I did begin to see some changes personally. I felt different, I felt cleaner. My energy levels soared and I no longer felt sluggish and lethargic. Living in Hong Kong, we are constantly surrounded by pollution, noise and people. Add over processed foods, sugars and alcohol and its no wonder we get sick and run down. Once cold pressed juices and real food was a constant in my diet, I felt a million bucks. Back then we were making it all ourselves – breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as access to these sorts of foods was limited to our own kitchens. But that is not the case today; fresh, real foods are readily available to grab and go. Our goal of promoting a healthier Hong Kong had been achieved.


Raw food means foods that have largely been untouched – picked from the ground, plucked form a tree – these are the foods that will give you a new zest for life.

Going raw can enhance your body’s ability to prevent and fight diseases, especially chronic illnesses. Another nice side effect is people often experience weight loss as you naturally eat fewer calories! Raw and living food contains essential food enzymes that are destroyed when the food is heated above 116 Fahrenheit (47 degrees Celsius). Nature has given each food its unique perfect mix. These vital enzymes allow us to fully digest our foods without having to rely on our own digestive enzymes. The cooking process destroys or alters these enzymes, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.


If going raw is something that interests you, my advice would be to do some research of your own; get online and get to know what raw food is and the science behind it. You don’t need any fancy equipment, aps or programs. We are fortunate that Hong Kong now has so many great online platforms, which help aim to promote the latest natural finds around the city. Hit up your local market and get busy in your kitchen! And slowly make some changes to your diet – remove the soda, cut the meat. And instead, eat real food. Visit us at Genie Juicery in ifc – we have a whole range of food, snacks and drink items that are 100% raw. We have been obsessed with this concept since 2011 so you can rest assured that every product on our shelves is not only raw and nutrient rich, but delicious! Our blog is a great resource for healthy facts and we are constantly updating our Instagram with fun titbits on the subject. I hope that my journey has enlightened you somewhat and perhaps even turned you towards a more wholesome, raw lifestyle!

With thanks,

Melanie Barnish, Co-Founder Genie Juicery


Food has and always will be, our go to source for energy. Our bodies rely on food for day to day functioning and ultimately, for survival. As technology has improved, so has our number of food choices. Processed, sugar laden, preservative rich foods have been created for our supposed benefit. However, it has become apparent that these foods are causing more damage that good! Food related illness are on the rise – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer – all with a direct correlation to the food we put in our mouths. At Genie Juicery, we are firm believers in eating real, wholesome foods; foods that are picked from the tree or plucked from the ground. These are the foods that are vitamin and mineral abundant. And it is these vitamins and minerals that contribute to our bodies functioning at optimum levels. This is where we begin to talk about energy! If you are consuming over processed, sugar filled foods, you are starving your body of the very vitamins and minerals that are responsible for cell growth, immunity, transportation of oxygen around the body and disease fighting mechanisms. Instead, you will feel run down, sick and constantly lethargic. The energy you have, is used to fight the common cold, ward off the free radicals – meaning you are left tired and sluggish, with puffy eyes, blemish plagued skin and a general feeling of blah. But this does not need to be the case. Insert some vitamin rich fruits and vegetables and you will immediately see a difference – most importantly in your energy levels. If consumed on a regular basis, fruits and vegetables will help keep infections to a minimum, your allergies will not flare up, your skin will be impeccable and your digestive system will be happy! Meaning your body can conserve its energy reserves! Lethargy no longer!

Here are some vegetables and fruits we use in our drinks which naturally can boost that energy bank:


Spinach is loaded with iron. Iron is an important supplement that everybody requires for general functioning. Low iron, anaemia, is vey common, especially in women (iron is found in blood, if menstruating we lose it through this source). Iron assists in the transport of oxygen around our body. If you feel lethargic or sleepy all the time, you may be low in iron!


Full of fibre, vitamin C and complex carbohydrates to give you a natural sugar high! An apple will also help stabilise your blood sugar levels so you don’t get those peaks and troughs a chocolate bar would give you.


Carrots are loaded with Vitamin A. Vitamin A supports cell growth and contributes to immune function.

A general lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet means your body has to work harder to do simple tasks. This then leads to fatigue, sickness and other health problems.


Hi level of vitamins and minerals which are required for general functioning. Beets are low in calories but high in natural sugar – released slowly unlike chocolate!

Beetroot also contains a mineral called Boron. Boron has been linked to the human sex hormones – it’s a natural aphrodisiac!


Ah Watermelon. The summer fruit. Just the thought of this pink, juicy fruit brings images of sunshine, beaches and happiness. In ode to our Limited Edition Birthday drink – for those who have not tried it, get in store stat – we are going to talk all things melon and why you should be including this thirst quenching fruit in your diet this season!

Thirst quenching! It not only makes you feel refreshed, it literally is refreshing you. High in water content, containing 92% to be precise, the watermelon is great for preventing dehydration during those warmer months. It is also full of electrolytes which we know are needed when we sweat. And being hydrated leads too….

Great skin! By ingesting the fruit, your skin will also be hydrated which leads to dewy, glowing skin! It has also been linked to helping with acne and the vitamin C in it will help with collagen reproduction. Dewy, bright, tight, spot free skin – yes please!

Great for the tresses! Your hair that is. Watermelon contains a phytonutrient called citrulline. Citulline increases the level of arginine in the body. Arginine improves blood circulation in the scalp, pumping the area with proteins and minerals which are vital for hair growth!

And finally for all you athletes out there, watermelon has been proven to help with muscle soreness! Researchers believe this is likely do to the amino acid L-citrulline contained in the fruit. Great to speed up that recover time!

And there you have it! Watermelon. A delicious snack with an abundance of health and beauty benefits. Our limited edition drink is available in store and online for $48 – stocks are limited!


Frog stomp – great name, great drink. El Frog Stomp is apart of diverse our green range, consisting of celery, kale, apple, lemon and ginger. It is equally as good for you as it is delicious. Here is a break down of all of the ingredients and why you need them in your life.

Celery – Skin skin skin! Celery, believe it or not, is amazing for your skin! If you are prone to an oily complexion, celery will naturally help reduce this annoyance. It is also loaded with antioxidants. Which as we know, help minimise the signs of ageing! Prolong that elastic, tight skin!

Kale – It may smell funky, but kale, voted vegetable of 2014, is loaded with the good stuff. Also full of anti-oxidants, it will help detoxify your liver and keep your hair nice and strong!

Apple – Liver detoxing, reduces the risk of cancer and settles an upset digestive system. Thats apple-tastic!

Lemon – We constantly praise lemon for its mighty skin clearing abilities. The antibacterial profiles found in lemons are what can help contribute to great skin. The squeeze of lemon can also reduce your mental stress! Clear skin and a clear mind!

Ginger – Ginger gives this drink a real pop! Also a digestive aid, ginger can assist with the prevention of migraines and nausea! Ginger will also give your immunity a little boost. Bonus!

Available in store and online. Hop on in and try Frog Stomp today!



It’s no secret that what you fuel your body with, will impact how your body operates. Just like a car, our body relies on what we feed it to function properly. It’s also no secret that with a wholesome shift to your dietary approach, you can help prevent – or better control – conditions ranging from cancers to arthritis to the common cold. Research shows choosing whole foods over processed foods will be the key to your journey along food-based prevention. When we talk of whole foods, we refer to foods that have largely been untouched – picked from the ground, plucked form a tree – these are the foods that will give you a new zest for life. Curb the common cold by eating fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. Nuts have been proven to prevent heart disease due to their high level of Omega-3w, fibre, potassium and proteins. Leafy green vegetables are your go-to-caner-fighters as well as your berries – blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Losing your memory? Spinach is full of folic acid, which has been shown to lessen the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. And finally for those pesky allergies, pick up an apple today. By crunching on one of these bad boys you’ll be elevating your levels of quercetin, an antioxidant that alters the immune response to allergic triggers. So there you have it, a quick low down on why you should shun the processed goods and get wholesome today. And of course, if you need a concentrated mouthful of the good stuff, look no further than our cold pressed juices – packed to rafters with cancer fighting, cold preventing, allergy averting goodies. Now that’s something to cheers about!


The Ultimate Guac Recipe



We love us some Guac! And with the hero ingredient being the mighty avocado, this Mexican local is one add on you cannot skip. Avocados are among the healthiest natural ingredients on the planet. They contain over 25 vital nutrients including vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron and much more. Great skin, great hair and a healthy heart – you really do get some bang for your buck! Click HERE for our amazing homemade Guacamole recipe, the perfect side for any occasion!



X3 ripe avocados

X1 Lemon, juiced

X1 tomato, finely diced

¼ Red onion, finely diced

x3 Genie Juicery Flax Crackers, crumbled finely

½ bunch coriander, finely chopped

Salt & Pepper to taste


Mix in a bowl. and Olla! Enjoy with Genie Juicery Flax Crackers or your choice of tortilla!