Beat the summer heat, enjoy that naughty afternoon craving or a treat for the kiddies with one of our super delicious Nice Cream Bars! No refined or processed crap just all natural healthy goodness as always, full of fruit, veggies and coconut milk! Check out below the 3 flavours to wrap your chops around!Available in stores now!!

NICE CREAM BAR - instore signage


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Water we know we need to drink more, we get it already! Every beauty expert and health advocate in the world recommends it endlessly!  Scientists tell us that our body percentage is made up of 60-65% water so- it does make sense everything functions, feels and looks better when we are well oiled machines! To help get you in the habit of drinking more water we have these funky looking steel Genie water bottles available in store. So no more excuses! You can top up in the morning, pop it in your bag and gulp away at your desk, run around all day or dance all night! $100 available at ifc mall and Hollywood Rd, ‘Teeny Genie” stores.
Check out everyone’s favourite celeb girl crush Cameron Diaz and her helpful tip on chugging back the good stuff, from her ‘The Body Book’ :
‘Every night before I go to sleep, I fill up a big glass bottle with water and put it on my bathroom counter. First thing in the morning, right after I brush my teeth, I drink it. Because I know that during the night, while I am sleeping, all of that breathing in and out exhales a lot of moisture from my lungs. Imagine how much water you can lose during eight hours of breathing! Because we can’t replenish it while we are sleeping, it’s important to rehydrate once we wake. Once I drink the water in the bottle by my sink, I feel it immediately. I go from being a wilted plant to one that has just been rejuvenated by the rain.’
Alkaline Lemon and plain

Genie’s alkaline water has a PH of 9.5 and is available with lemon essential oil or good old fashioned plain. Alkaline water will help neutralise acid in the bloodstream, leading to increased oxygen levels and faster hydration – hanging hungover heads take note! If your body is too acidic due to processed foods, medication, stress, pollution etc to compensate your body has to borrow minerals from your bones, teeth and organs to neutralize the excess acidity. Therefore it is important for the body to maintain a pH balance.


‘The Body’ Elle Macpherson talked about adding alkaline based food and drinks to her diet in a recent magazine article:
“An acidic body is out of balance. Today’s diet of processed food, sugar, alcohol, too much red meat, dairy and coffee – especially for me – along with stress and lack of sleep can affect the way the body functions. My diet was okay but I was busy, eating on the run and sleeping four hours a night. I was feeling tired and toxic and my solution was to take a plethora of synthetic vitamins. After I made lifestyle changes and started to become more alkaline, I noticed benefits right across the board. I felt lighter, lost stubborn weight around my middle and had better digestion and no IBS. It also started to show on the outside – they call it the ‘alkaline glow’. My skin felt moisturised when I’ve always had dry skin. My hairdresser commented that my hair was strong and was growing quickly.”

Drink up everyone!!!!


We have some giveaways and discounts for you for this month lovely people!


Our friends at Uber Hong Kong are giving you guys and gals a free ride home from our ifc mall and Hollywood Road store, for the rest of the month of February! Once you are a new user to Uber , download the app you get a free ride up to $100 . . .saweeet!

Uber Promo


Our like minded buddies at Kiehls understand the endless natural benefits of fruit and vegetables for our skin. We are giving away two free Kiehls facial masques samples when you buy a tagged Genie Juice for the last two weeks of February from our ifc store!! Not only that,  you can get a free Genie mini juice at Kiehls ifc store when you purchase a jar of Kiehls new facial masque. The Genie’s have tried out the new facial masque’s and we are obsessed, they are so so so good – ‘Cilantro & Orange Extract Pollutant Defending Masque’ and ‘Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Masque’ !!

Kiehls + Genie Social Media Post


Get 10% off your online cleanse for the rest of the month. Just use the code: CHEEKYMONKEY. Now is the perfect time to make changes after the big food and drink marathon that was Chinese New Year. Start with changing your eating habits for just a few days with a juice cleanse by getting a massive intake of fruit and veggies. You know all those minerals and vitamins will do you the world of good. Then ease your self back into a balanced diet and make small changes. Maybe add one raw whole food or juice into your diet everyday. Make sure to still enjoy your treats but increase the quality and reduce the quantity – swap a bar of your daily sugar laden chocolate for a square or two of dark chocolate!! You can totally do it!

CNY monkey


Howdy neighbours! If you live or work around the Hollywood Rd we will give you 10% off your juice bill at our new Teeny Genie store. Just show us your business card or another proof of address! You can get a nice little discount at our shiny new store for the next few months.

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We love students and we were one, many many light years ago, check out the 90’s ‘Saved By the Bell’ student group picture! We totally understand how busy you students are and how much juggling you have to do, studying, course applications, hobby commitments, part time jobs, spending time with friends and family the list is endless. So to try and make your lives a small bit easier, we will give you 10% off your juice bill. Just show us your student card and we will give you a Genie Student VIP Card for the rest of your high school and university student life!





We all know it is so easy to get caught up in the rat race in Hong Kong, but now is a
perfect time to get active before the Chirstmas silly season starts. There
are so many alternative options available besides the gym, exercise classes or the good old
hiking options! There are quite a lot of new hobbies to discover in Hong Kong, you just need to
mix it up, dive in and see which one takes your fancy.

Starting a new hobby, not only are you learning a new skill but your getting involved in a whole new
scene plus meeting a new group of potential mates. Alternative active
hobby options in Hong Kong are pretty good, roller derby, dodge ball, wake
boarding, kite-surfing, hip-hop dancing, aerial silk dancing, rock climbing or even
for the petrol heads dirt bike racing! Don’t get stuck with the same boring gym
talk this Christmas party season, regale people with tales of your cool new hobby!

Whether you take up a new hobby or stick to your trusted workout scheme don’t
forget to take the right steps to help your body recover. Check out our gym buddy
eight bottle cleanse which includes a mix of juices, electrolyte balancing coconut water and two
almond milk based protein shakes. They will help in your fitness journey to become
stronger and more defined. You can have them as a cleanse or spread them out over a few days.


Still buzzing since our Taiwan visit, it has been over a week since the doors opened on our shiny new store in Neihu, Taipei.  All the hard work has paid off and we couldn’t be prouder of the fantastic job the Taiwan Team did. The store is so big and beautiful! Lots of seating room for lounging, catching up or working while enjoying an energizing juice! And the counter space……endless for healthy treats I tell you! Taipei is definitely home of the ‘small street eats’ and we are super excited to be part of the health food scene in the beautiful nature rich country that is Taiwan.

Opening hours are from 8am to 8pm on weekdays and 12pm to 6pm on
weekends and public holidays. Online cleanses and deliveries are available through

Please tell all your Taipei friends to drop in to meet our Taiwan dream team or even pop over yourself it’s only an hour or so flight from Hong Kong! Taipei defiantly one for the city break bucket list!

The Genie Juicery Athlete

We love hearing about people who are fans of our juice! Recently we stumbled across Rachel Jacqueline – a freelance journalist who is passionate about living a healthy and inspired life. Rachel is a massive fitness junkie and a fan of ultra marathons! We caught up with Rachel to get her take on our juice and her lifestyle!


  1. Tell us a little bit about your sporting background and how you got into Ultras!

At University I used to play touch football (non-contact rugby) quite competitively. When I moved to Hong Kong 5 years ago I missed the intensity of competition, being outdoors and the sense of community. Eventually I discovered the abundance of trails and the regularity of competition here and became hooked.

After running in a few races over the first year, I decided to sign up for my first 100km ultra the following year, the Vibram HK 100. At that stage I’d never run more than 26km in my life. I raised money for my own charity project, RunRaeRun (which gets underprivileged HK teens into the outdoors for a 3 day adventure camp. That was three years ago.

Since then I’ve run six 100km ultras, three 100km multi-stage ultras, numerous 50km races, a 70km race and several shorter races. My best performace was placing 6th female in the Vibram HK 100 last year in 14:47 minutes.

I love the freedom I get when running on trails. Down some of the hills it feels like you’re flying. I love the intensity of hammering along rocky trails where a wrong step can see you roll your ankle – it’s actually quite mentally challenging. I’ve now completed in races in Australia, Nepal, Vietnam, the States, China and Europe- I love how it takes me around the world too. There’s also a huge emotional and spiritual side to the sport. Because it demands so much of you, you really have to be kind to your body and aware of everything that’s going on in every moment. It forces you to be present, requires you to be incredibly patience and every run always leaves me humbled and grateful.

  1. How do you incorporate cleansing into your training program and what benefits do you think it brings you as an athlete?

I started cleansing about two years ago. I found that during the cleansing process, once your body has worked its way through your stored energy, it switches to burning fat – an abundant source of energy!! This is exactly what happens when you go on long runs. While it’s important to be properly fuelled before a race (i.e not a good idea to cleanse the week before a race), I find a cleanse in the weeks leading up to a race not only cleans out your system (kind of like tuning a car), but also gets your body more efficient at burning fat – an essential skill that it needs for ultras.

In the week before an ultra when I’m trying to stock up on as much nutrients and carbohydrates as possible, I find the juices are a great way to supplement my diet.

  1. What’s your favourite Genie Juice(s) and why?

I love Garden Gnome as it tastes so scrumptious and I love the coconutty taste of Hawaii H20. But when I’m trying to cram in as much green as possible, nothing beats Sawadekah

Follow Rachel’s blog here: