Food has and always will be, our go to source for energy. Our bodies rely on food for day to day functioning and ultimately, for survival. As technology has improved, so has our number of food choices. Processed, sugar laden, preservative rich foods have been created for our supposed benefit. However, it has become apparent that these foods are causing more damage that good! Food related illness are on the rise – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer – all with a direct correlation to the food we put in our mouths. At Genie Juicery, we are firm believers in eating real, wholesome foods; foods that are picked from the tree or plucked from the ground. These are the foods that are vitamin and mineral abundant. And it is these vitamins and minerals that contribute to our bodies functioning at optimum levels. This is where we begin to talk about energy! If you are consuming over processed, sugar filled foods, you are starving your body of the very vitamins and minerals that are responsible for cell growth, immunity, transportation of oxygen around the body and disease fighting mechanisms. Instead, you will feel run down, sick and constantly lethargic. The energy you have, is used to fight the common cold, ward off the free radicals – meaning you are left tired and sluggish, with puffy eyes, blemish plagued skin and a general feeling of blah. But this does not need to be the case. Insert some vitamin rich fruits and vegetables and you will immediately see a difference – most importantly in your energy levels. If consumed on a regular basis, fruits and vegetables will help keep infections to a minimum, your allergies will not flare up, your skin will be impeccable and your digestive system will be happy! Meaning your body can conserve its energy reserves! Lethargy no longer!

Here are some vegetables and fruits we use in our drinks which naturally can boost that energy bank:


Spinach is loaded with iron. Iron is an important supplement that everybody requires for general functioning. Low iron, anaemia, is vey common, especially in women (iron is found in blood, if menstruating we lose it through this source). Iron assists in the transport of oxygen around our body. If you feel lethargic or sleepy all the time, you may be low in iron!


Full of fibre, vitamin C and complex carbohydrates to give you a natural sugar high! An apple will also help stabilise your blood sugar levels so you don’t get those peaks and troughs a chocolate bar would give you.


Carrots are loaded with Vitamin A. Vitamin A supports cell growth and contributes to immune function.

A general lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet means your body has to work harder to do simple tasks. This then leads to fatigue, sickness and other health problems.


Hi level of vitamins and minerals which are required for general functioning. Beets are low in calories but high in natural sugar – released slowly unlike chocolate!

Beetroot also contains a mineral called Boron. Boron has been linked to the human sex hormones – it’s a natural aphrodisiac!


Ah Watermelon. The summer fruit. Just the thought of this pink, juicy fruit brings images of sunshine, beaches and happiness. In ode to our Limited Edition Birthday drink – for those who have not tried it, get in store stat – we are going to talk all things melon and why you should be including this thirst quenching fruit in your diet this season!

Thirst quenching! It not only makes you feel refreshed, it literally is refreshing you. High in water content, containing 92% to be precise, the watermelon is great for preventing dehydration during those warmer months. It is also full of electrolytes which we know are needed when we sweat. And being hydrated leads too….

Great skin! By ingesting the fruit, your skin will also be hydrated which leads to dewy, glowing skin! It has also been linked to helping with acne and the vitamin C in it will help with collagen reproduction. Dewy, bright, tight, spot free skin – yes please!

Great for the tresses! Your hair that is. Watermelon contains a phytonutrient called citrulline. Citulline increases the level of arginine in the body. Arginine improves blood circulation in the scalp, pumping the area with proteins and minerals which are vital for hair growth!

And finally for all you athletes out there, watermelon has been proven to help with muscle soreness! Researchers believe this is likely do to the amino acid L-citrulline contained in the fruit. Great to speed up that recover time!

And there you have it! Watermelon. A delicious snack with an abundance of health and beauty benefits. Our limited edition drink is available in store and online for $48 – stocks are limited!


Frog stomp – great name, great drink. El Frog Stomp is apart of diverse our green range, consisting of celery, kale, apple, lemon and ginger. It is equally as good for you as it is delicious. Here is a break down of all of the ingredients and why you need them in your life.

Celery – Skin skin skin! Celery, believe it or not, is amazing for your skin! If you are prone to an oily complexion, celery will naturally help reduce this annoyance. It is also loaded with antioxidants. Which as we know, help minimise the signs of ageing! Prolong that elastic, tight skin!

Kale – It may smell funky, but kale, voted vegetable of 2014, is loaded with the good stuff. Also full of anti-oxidants, it will help detoxify your liver and keep your hair nice and strong!

Apple – Liver detoxing, reduces the risk of cancer and settles an upset digestive system. Thats apple-tastic!

Lemon – We constantly praise lemon for its mighty skin clearing abilities. The antibacterial profiles found in lemons are what can help contribute to great skin. The squeeze of lemon can also reduce your mental stress! Clear skin and a clear mind!

Ginger – Ginger gives this drink a real pop! Also a digestive aid, ginger can assist with the prevention of migraines and nausea! Ginger will also give your immunity a little boost. Bonus!

Available in store and online. Hop on in and try Frog Stomp today!


To celebrate having survived our first year at ifc, we are giving you an exclusive 15% off on any online purchase you make during the month of August!

No need to enter a code. Discount automatically applies to your checkout! Happy shopping friends!


*Discount not applicable to Loyalty Programs & Group Cleanses



Say Hello to our limited edition, Birthday cooler! The Watermelon Chia Cooler. It has been designed and made specifically to help commemorate this glorious occasion that is our birthday. Can you believe we have been in ifc mall for one year! Time flies! Thank you to all of our supporters – couldn’t have done it without you!

Now, lets talk coolers. Made with watermelon, coconut water, lime and chia seeds, this will be your go-to refresh this August. Watermelon is made up of 80% water meaning its very hydrating. It is also delicious and packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants! Coconut water as you know is our go to hydrator. Loaded with electrolytes, minerals and enzymes that are vital when it comes to fluid replacement. Coconut water has many other benefits – you can read about them in this blog. Lime is loaded with vitamin C and skin boosting enzymes whilst the chia seeds a protein packed and will give you a nice hit of fibre.

What an all-rounder.

This drink will only be on shelves for the month of August so get down and try it out! Snap a photo with it, tag #geniejuicery and you go in the running to win some exceptional prizes! We also have an online discount running for the month of August. Use discount code: happybirthdaygenie to get 15% off all your online purchases this month!




Food and stress have often been linked. It’s a widely researched fact that someone with a healthy and well balanced diet is likely to be far less stressed that someone with a poor diet.

Wholesome, healthy, nutritious food – foods that we promote on a daily basis here at Genie Juicery – along with exercise, are known to be the simplest forms for relieving stress. Not only cost effective, but readily available and with no side effects! So pack away those pills, ditch the ciggys and take a closer look at your diet as it seems the answer to your tension could be there.

Ok so it seems a little obvious at this point which foods we need to be avoiding. As per our philosophy, it seems that the processed, sugar laden foods which are oh-so accessible in this city, are out! And the wholesome, real foods are in. In times of stress you are probably more likely to reach for the cheeseburger, but hold strong. The processed meat and cheese, the sugary bun and preservative full sauces are only going to ignite that stress receptor – feed it if you will. Causing you to feel more stressed, adding to your anxiety and getting you on the fast spiral downwards. But lets not focus on this. Lets look to the good stuff. Fresh fruit and vegetables provide an array of vitamins and minerals that are great for reducing stress. Lets take a closer look…

Green Leafy vegetables – These abundant greens, such as spinach, contain folate, which produces dopamine, a pleasure inducing brain chemical, helping you to keep calm and carry on. Depression symptoms are lowered when folate is consumed on a regular basis and the general feeling of calm and happiness is abundant. We use spinach in a majority of our drinks so if you haven’t turned green maybe its time you hopped on that wagon.

Yoghurt – Lots of research correlates to stress and your gut. When we get stressed it causes an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal system, which can block communication flow between the gut and the brain. Basically if the gut aint happy the head aint happy. If you are familiar with our probiotic rich yoghurt, you’ll know that it contains the good bacteria, to sweep out the bad bacteria, creating an environment down there, that is content and cheerful. Plus its loaded with protein and calcium – you cant go wrong there!

Berries – These guys often get a mention and their high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients are getting another shout out. The more antioxidants you eat, the better defence your body has when it comes to dealing with the stress and fighting stress related free radicals. Nom nom nom!

Dark Chocolate – Chocoholics rejoice. Dark chocolate, at least 70% cocoa, has the power to regulate stress levels. It can trigger the walls of your blood cells to relax, lowering blood pressure and improving circulation. It also gives you a sense of euphoria. But make sure its the good stuff. We stock a local brand called Raiz The Bar and they are serving up cold pressed, raw, vegan chocolate that is boasting with the benefits. Sign me up for that!

Seeds – flaxseeds are a great source of magnesium which have been linked to regulating our emotions. magnesium helps alleviate depression, fatigue and irritability. Magnesium, a naturally occurring mineral,  can also be found in leafy green, yoghurt, nuts and fish! Its the new age, tablet free, depressant! Find them in our delicious flax snack!

So there you have it. If you are feeling low, and need a mood enhancing booster, pop into Genie. We will sort you out!



VEGAN RECIPE: Roasted cauliflower with cumin, coriander & almonds

The cauliflower. A very underrated vegetable, but one that should not be overlooked. For one thing, its readily available year round – supermarket, local markets – your trusty cauliflower will be there. Ready for the taking. On another note, its cheap! This vegetable has a plethora of ways you can cook, blanch, steam, roast, process or mash! You will also be pleased to know that it contains an impressive array of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!

But if that isn’t enough to saw you its way, check out this delicious recipe that we stumbled across on the Jamie Oliver website. It looks mighty delicious. And its vegan. WIN WIN!


COOKING TIME: 25 Minutes


head of cauliflower, broken into florets

Sea Salt

Olive Oil

1 knob butter

2 Teaspoons cumin seeds

2 teaspoons coriander seeds

1-2 dried red chillies

1 handful blanched almonds, smashed

zest and juice of 1 lemon


Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Blanch cauliflower in salted boiling water for a couple of minutes then drain in a colander, allowing it to steam dry (you don’t want any water left in cauliflower or it wont roast properly). Toss it in a good lug of olive oil and the butter. In a pestle and mortar, bash your spices and chillies with a pinch of salt, then mix with your almonds and put in a hot dry ovenproof pan to slowly toast them. After a couple of minutes, add the cauliflower. When it gets a nice bit of colour on it, add the lemon zest and juice and mix around well. Fry for about a minute longer then pop the pan into the preheated oven for about 15 minutes to crisp up.


Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, raspberries. They may be small but boy do they pack a punch! The initial, most notable aspect of these fruits are their vibrant colours – the blues, purples, pinks and reds, which are a result of a compound called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are the universal plant colorants responsible for creating the red, purple, and blue hues evident in many fruits and vegetables. But this compound isn’t just responsible for creating colour, there is significant evidence which shows the reduction on blood pressure, improvement of eyesight, strong anti-inflammatory an antimicrobial activities and act as potent scavengers for free radicals! Basically consumption of this compound links to preventing life-style related diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

The berry family also boost your vitamin C intake. Now we all know that vitamin c is a great immunity booster. Consume when feeling a little under the weather to give your immune system that welcomed boost. However, not everyone will know that Vitamin C is great for your skin! It strengthens blood vessels which results in a boost to your skins elasticity and strength. Thats a natural face lift right there – sign me up for that!

Finally lets talk about the berries contribution to weight loss. As these fruits contain mostly water, they are great for filling you up quickly whilst scaling very low on the cals. Berries also contain fibre and folate which are great for the digestive system. Win win!

Try our Bo-Yo and Beaches for a berry hit! We also add them to our new Nice Cream and Chia Puddings! Thats all sounds berry berry good to us!